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Sandra Jeque, International Conference Director at Africa Oil & Power, spoke to Economia & Mercado about the Mozambique Gas & Power event that will be held in 2021 and the investment opportunities it will create.
Let’s talk a little about this summit, in a very specific context. Will it be an entirely online event?
It will effectively combine both online and onsite features, keeping the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for continual business developments in mind. The main event will be held in Mozambique, from 8-11 March 2021. Onsite will command the attendance of dignitaries and industry leaders.
The event will be broadcast across the world through our website, social media platforms and through the platform of our regional and international media partners.
At the level of guests and speakers, the program itself, what can we expect?
Being among the world’s most significant premier meeting place for Mozambique, we expect a consortium of political leaders – government and regional heads, industry thought leaders, corporate leaders, technical experts -NOC and IOC, suppliers, manufacturers, investors and commodity traders. The Africa Oil & Power (AOP) event encapsulates the entire value chain of LNG.
The program will feature keynote presentations from top dignitaries, panel discussions, project updates and signing of Investment deals, specific topics ranging from Local content, women in energy, power generation, LNG in sustainable agriculture, training courses, innovative security solutions and risk mitigation, biodiversity conservation and restoration of the graded eco-systems.
The aim of the conference is to create a Mozambican voice in the energy field. We endeavour to cement Mozambique’s place amongst the elite global energy hubs.
All topics are geared towards the development of concrete ideas that will shape the future of the petroleum, LNG, power and renewable energy industries.
We are not only looking to run a crucial event but also to create long standing impact on the community and its inhabitants. Examples include the development programs for the Palma region; involving the youth and women in the energy sector to ensure the citizens of Mozambique develop and enjoy the spoils of their land.
What is your view regarding Mozambique’s potential in the LNG?
Lucrative doesn’t even cut it; the opportunities are bountiful. In the north, in the Rovuma basin there are 180 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas in place. In the Mozambique-Pande and Temane Basin there are 6 tcf. Mozambique currently sits on a gold mine; its geographic location provides sound advantage as a trading corridor.
Mozambique’s location on the east coast, on the south part of the continent offers much strategic trade exploitation. Established buyers from far east, Atlantic coast of Europe and Asian Markets are within direct reach. Emerging prospective customers in the Middle East, Indian Sub-Saharan too.
With astute actionable objectives, Mozambique is poised to become a global energy power trading house.
In general, oil and gas has changed substantially in recent months, even so, large investments, as in the case of Mozambique, have advanced. Could you give an overview about this?
The COVID-19 pandemic had an effect on the industry like it did the others. Demand for downstream petroleum products dropped as you would expect.
Reduced economic activity worldwide lead to an oversupply of microstructure in both oil and gas prices. With the pandemic still being fought, there is still some uncertainty. This uncertainty has led to more capital expenditure for unsanctioned oil and gas projects, thus leading to the postponements of FIDs. Another factor is the Political instability in northern Cabo Delgado.
However, all projects in the Rovuma Basin are on schedule, Examples of some projects include:
• Coral Sul-FLNG (ENI) – Construction activities in Coreia DO Sul (80%) are underway
• Drilling of 4 wells out of the 6 wells are complete for production and the restart of the drilling campaign to finish the 2 wells is scheduled for 1st quarter of 2021.
• Assembly of the subsurface infrastructure is scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2021
Projecto Golfinho/ Atum- Total
• first stage of construction for the airport runaway already built (about 1,800 meters of runway)
• Plans for a further extension are underway to increase the runway to 2,800 meters
• Geotechnical works are underway for the construction of two LNG tanks
• Construction of the unloading pier for heavy material currently sits on (75%) of execution
• Resettlement of the population is in phase 3 and more than 186 families have been displaced and resettled
• Work is underway to build more than 1,600 homes for workers
Projects are moving ahead on scheduled. The future is ours.