His Excellency Dr Omar Farouk Ibrahim, Secretary General of the African Petroleum Producers’ Organization (APPO), paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency Anibal José Marquez Munoz, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, accredited in the Republic of Congo.
The two diplomats discussed the observer Membership of Venezuela to the African Petroleum Producers’ Organization approved by the Council of Ministers of the Organization by Resolution 277 of December 14, 2021.
During this visit, they also identified some main axes of cooperation between Venezuela and APPO placed under the concept of “socio-cultural pipeline”. This cooperation will be active from the beginning of 2022 with the formalization and institutionalization of initiatives of common interests.
The Council of Ministers of APPO approved unanimously the request of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for Observer Membership in the Organization.
With this historic decision, the Secretary General of made in person the visit to the Ambassador of Venezuela to congratulate his country and himself for his personal commitment to the achievement of this initiative.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, it should be recalled, was the first non-African country to become an Observer member of the African Union. With this historical decision of the Ministers of APPO Member Countries, Venezuela is also the first non – African country to be an observer in APPO.