The development of the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for the Sangomar Field Development – Senegal’s first offshore oil project – is now 90% complete, according to Senegal’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.
After it is completed in Singapore by Japanese shipbuilding company, MODEC, the Very Large Crude Carrier is expected to arrive in Senegal in February 2024.
The completion of the 100,000-barrel-per-day FPSO will play a pivotal role for Woodside Energy, operator of the Sangomar project, in commencing Senegal’s first oil production by mid-2024.
Last month, Woodside Energy identified additional works that needed to be done on the FPSO, a development that increased costs for the project by 7-13%, from $4.6 billion to $4.9-$5.2 billion.
Meg O’Neill, CEO of Woodside Energy, stated that conducting the remedial work while the FPSO is at the shipyard in Singapore “minimizes the impact to the project schedule, as it is safer, more efficient and more cost effective than undertaking the work offshore Senegal. This approach ensures we can achieve production startup in line with the adjusted schedule and ramp up operations as planned.”
Apart from the FPSO, the Sangomar project achieved an 88% overall completion rate last month, with the subsea installation campaign at 76% completion; the subsea work scope at 95% completion, and 12 out of the 23 planned wells successfully drilled, according to Woodside Energy.