Republic of Congo: Perenco Reaches 80,000 BPD Production Milestone
In 2025, Perenco plans to expand operations by investing in new fields, aiming to reach its target of 100,000 barrels per day.
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In 2025, Perenco plans to expand operations by investing in new fields, aiming to reach its target of 100,000 barrels per day.
Harnessing the Republic of Congo’s vast mineral reserves could play a crucial role in advancing its goals for economic diversification, reducing reliance on oil and fostering sustainable growth.
Thanks to its progressive digital transformation policies, the Republic of Congo has the potential to double internet access by 2024 and emerge as a leading technology hub in Central Africa.
In parallel with the expansion of its oil and gas sector, the Republic of Congo is harnessing untapped solar and hydropower resources through the development of a large-scale dam and solar park projects.
La société va forer quatre puits dans les champs de Conkouati-Koui et de Nanga III, le forage devant commencer immédiatement.
The company will drill four wells in the Conkouati-Koui and Nanga III fields with drilling set to start immediately.
As power demand is projected to reach 900 MW in 2025, the Republic of Congo is harnessing its natural gas resources to enhance electricity access, create jobs and diversify crude oil exports.
Un échange informel lors de la conférence Angola Oil & Gas a exploré les opportunités d’exploration en République du Congo.
Sendo o quarto maior produtor de petróleo da África subsaariana, a República do Congo tem ambições de acelerar a diversificação através de investimentos em infraestruturas de gás natural.
A fireside chat during the Angola Oil & Gas conference delved into the exploration opportunities in the Republic of Congo.