Mining exploration company Aterian – operating a joint venture with mining group Rio Tinto – will start drilling at the HCK lithium project in September 2024. The company received positive soil sample results indicating the presence of lithium-bearing minerals at the mining project – located in Southern Rwanda.
Asterian is now advancing to the drill planning stage, focusing on the HCK-1 area, where five drill holes are planned to evaluate the pegmatites’ potential. Preparatory work is set to begin by the end of August 2024, with drilling expected to start by late September 2024.
“An extension of the comprehensive ground soil sampling program was completed in Q1 and covered key target zones within the HCK project area. These preliminary results represent a crucial milestone in our ongoing exploration efforts and provide a strong basis and analytical framework for the next phase of exploration, the drill program,” stated Charles Bray, Chairman of Aterian.
The 2,274 auger soil samples collected in Q1 2024 have enabled Aterian to refine its geological model and gain a deeper understanding of the area’s subsurface structures. The company is currently engaging in drill targeting, with earthwork proposals for drill pads and access received and community discussions held.