Singapore based offshore vessel provider Nortrans Flotel has been awarded a contract for the hook-up and commissioning of the Coral Sul Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) vessel – which recently arrived in Mozambique. Awarded by Technip Energies, the contract will cover up to 200 days including options, with work expected to commence in February 2022.
Under the terms of the contract, Nortrans will deploy its DP3 500 pax flotel, dubbed CSS Temis, which will accommodate up to 400 personnel on board daily throughout the project duration.
Italian oil major, Eni, is the operator of the Coral Sul FLNG project, after having discovered the 16 trillion cubic feet of gas Coral offshore field in 2012. The Coral Sul FLNG vessel represents the first FLNG facility ever to be deployed deepwater in Africa. Having left the Geoje Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in November 2021, the vessel arrived in Mozambique ready to produce gas from the Coral offshore gas field in the Rovuma Basin. With production expected to commence at the end of 2022, the 3.4 million tons of natural gas per year project will be transformative for the east African country.