Australian-based uranium exploration company Elevate Uranium has confirmed the presence of large continuous mineralized zones at its Koppies uranium project in Namibia, and as a result, is advancing drilling activities with the addition of another rig.
The company currently has two reverse circulation drill rigs conducting exploratory works at the Koppies project, and has recently added a third rig to the program following confirmation of mineral resources at the Koppies 3 area of the project.
The initial two rigs completed 536 holes for 14,459 meters, confirming the mineralized envelope in the northern, southern and central areas of Koppies 3. Now, all three rigs are expected to continue drilling until the end of September 2023. Data gained from Koppies 3 drilling will determine the interim resource estimate for the area, the compilation of which is expected by October 2023.
Thereafter, the rigs will move to the Koppies 4 area of the project, kickstarting a program to identify the extent of its mineralized envelope ahead of resource drilling. Results from the drilling works at Koppies 3 will be added to current JORC resource of the project which is currently measured at 20.3 million pounds eU3O8 for both the Koppies 1 and 2 areas.