Seven hydrogen fuel cell systems produced by South African hydrogen fuel cell specialist Bambili Energy have been deployed at 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria, South Africa, to assist government in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bambili Energy focuses on the hydrogen economy, providing solutions to complement various forms of alternative energy. The project is a public-private partnership between Bambili; specialist fuel cell technology company HyPlat; the Department of Science and Innovation; the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure and the Department of Defence.
Bambili produced five of the hydrogen fuel cell systems currently utilized at 1 Military Hospital with Singapore-based fuel cell manufacturer Horizon Fuel Cell Technology and U.S. based methanol reformer manufacturer, Element 1 Corporation; and two fuel cell systems with Swedish fuel cell stacks and systems developer Powercell Sweden.
“We are excited to lead the deployment of the fuel cell systems to 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria to complement the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is also an opportunity to demonstrate the potential role alternative energy sources can play in our everyday lives, given South Africa’s growing energy challenges,” says Nyonga Fofang, Managing Director of Bambili Group.
He adds that the growth of the sector also stands to have a material impact on the economy, particularly in regards to employment creation and the development of complementary industries.
“Bambili Energy believes this collaboration between the public and private sector further illustrates the importance attached to the development of the hydrogen economy in South Africa,” Fofang notes.
Globally, hydrogen fuel cells are increasingly being recognized as a clean energy technology suitable for both mobile and stationary applications. Hydrogen fuel cells combined with renewable energy have the ability to decarbonize both the energy and transport markets, significantly adding to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Other advantages of hydrogen fuel cells include their versatile design, as well as their ability to take a variety of fuel sources from which hydrogen can be produced, allowing them to be moved quickly from one phase to another. For these reasons, fuel cells may play an important role in disaster management and the distribution of energy in remote areas.