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Read more on the DRC’s resource-rich potential in the upcoming Africa Energy Series: Preview: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2021 – the leading investor resource for tracking the country’s current and future movements within the sector. Download other AES Special Reports here.
The Democratic Republic of Congo’s mining sector has been the main driver of the national economy since the 1960s. Endowed with major potential for energy and power, the government has entered an ambitious economic diversification plan largely supported by the energy sector.
Main targets include providing universal access to power to its citizens by 2035; increasing revenue generation through energy production and industrial competitiveness; and further strengthening the mining sector by providing operators with a cheap and stable supply to electricity.
National Strategic Development Plan 2019 – 2023
The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) is a global economic diversification plan aiming to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2023. The NSDP is built around five pillars looking to deeply transform the DRC’s economy, which is currently heavily reliant on mining and agriculture.