- Africa Oil & Power (AOP) has launched its Africa Energy Series: Africa Energy Finance 2020 digital report, as a tool to identify financing needs across the energy value chain.
- The continent is projected to require $29-39 billion in annual investment to meet forecast energy demand and achieve universal electricity access by 2030.
- The downloadable report aligns with the Energy Finance Forum, co-hosted as part of the upcoming AOP Conference & Exhibition 2021 (October 5-7) held in Cape Town.
Africa Oil & Power has launched its Africa Energy Series: Africa Energy Finance 2020 special report, in a bid to help eliminate barriers to private sector participation and highlight key investment opportunities in power generation and infrastructure development.
As Africa’s energy investment needs total approximately $300-$400 billion within the next decade, the report identifies a mix of public and private financing solutions that can catalyze institutional investment, with a view to bridging the financing gapand offsetting limited governmental capacity to fund large-scale projects in light of COVID-19.
The report serves as a tool for investors and African policymakers aliketo identify financial, regulatory and capacity constraints to private investment, and provides proven strategies toward mitigating associated risk.
Successful case studies include the establishment of independent power producers in Kenya; the use of competitive auction in South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement program; and the mobilization of multilateral lenders to back gas megaprojects like the Mozambique LNG Area 1 development, supported by an opinion piece from Nj Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber.
Dedicated exclusively to tackling issues of finance for a new decade of intra-African trade and investment, AOP will host the first-ever Energy Finance Forum, as part of the fifth edition of its flagship Africa Oil & Power conference and exhibition on October 5-7, 2021, in Cape Town. Aligned with the vision of South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and continental partners, the forum will offer a close-up on the continent’s investment environment post-COVID-19 and competitiveness on the global energy stage, under the theme “Invest Without Boundaries.”
To download the Africa Energy Finance 2020 report please click here.
To get in touch regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at the AOP 2021 conference and exhibition, please contact the sales team at sales@africaoilandpower.com and to learn more about the event, go to www.aop2021.com.