ReconAfrica Drills Naingopo Exploration Well Onshore Namibia
The Naingopo exploration well is the first of several planned wells to test the potential resource of the Damara Fold Belt.
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The Naingopo exploration well is the first of several planned wells to test the potential resource of the Damara Fold Belt.
The EG-18 field is located in a hydrocarbon-rich area and is a strategic part of Africa Oil Corp’s offshore exploration program.
As new opportunities emerge across Angola’s upstream oil and gas sector, global E&P companies – including ReconAfrica and Chevron – have joined the Angola Oil & Gas event to connect with the national concessionaire about new block opportunities.
South Africa has received 115 applications from mining stakeholders seeking funding from the country’s Junior Mining Exploration Fund.
Investment opportunities in seismic data acquisition and processing will be explored at the Invest in African Energy 2025 Forum in Paris.
ReconAfrica has spud the Naingopo exploration well on petroleum exploration license (PEL) 73, onshore Namibia.
Upcoming licensing rounds like Angola’s – as well as the evaluation of contractual terms and call for seismic data – will be a key focus of the Invest in African Energy 2025 Forum in Paris
Panoro Energy has applied to secure an exploration right for helium and natural gas in South Africa’s northern Karoo Basin.
ReconAfrica is exploring farm-in opportunities to raise funding to support its exploration efforts in Namibia.
ECP spoke with ReconAfrica Chief Geologist Dr. Ansgar Wanke about the firm’s exploration projects in the Kavango Basin, where it has confirmed the presence of an active petroleum system already in its first stratigraphic test well.