Guinea-Conakry Awards Environmental License for Bankan Project
Predictive Discovery plans to complete a definitive feasibility study for Bankan Gold Mine in the second half of 2025.
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Predictive Discovery plans to complete a definitive feasibility study for Bankan Gold Mine in the second half of 2025.
The loan will support a program to strengthen SMEs and drive industrial development in the country.
The Amaria Hydropower Plant, set to be built by China’s TBEA, located downstream along the Konkoure River, will generate electricity using a dam-based development model.
Enersado Director of Operations and Communications Oumar Zidane Fofana stated that a distributor is being selected by the energy ministry of Guinea-Conakry and that the project will result in the creation of 2,000 jobs.
Associated infrastructure will serve both the Simandou North and Simandou South iron ore mines in southeastern Guinea-Conakry.
Le projet de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) de 3 milliards de dollars en Guinée devrait fournir de l’électricité à la région de Conakry d’ici 2025 et aux futures raffineries d’alumine d’ici 2027-2028.
The $3 billion Guinea LNG project is expected to provide electricity to the Conakry region by 2025 and to future alumina refineries by 2027-2028.
The French Development Agency (AFD) will provide a €60 million loan to Guinea-Conakry to finance improved access to electricity in Forest Guinea.
China Baowu has become a shareholder in Simandou Blocks 1 and 2 – part of the world’s largest untapped iron ore deposit estimated at over 2 billion tons.
Guinea Alumina Corporation has signed a Term Sheet for the development of a refinery in the Boké region with a capacity of one million tons of alumina per year.